I did this collage a few years ago and it still feels relevant 😂 |
Long time, no blog. The title of this post probably gives you a hint as to why, and might also explain much of my personality if you've known me a while.
A year ago last week, after nearly three years of patiently waiting for appointments and meetings with doctors, I was FINALLY diagnosed with ADHD. I cannot stress to you the relief that this brought me, as it felt like I could finally start living my life like I was supposed to.
Speaking of which, this is going to be a LONG post, as I have rather a lot to say, so strap in, this isn't exactly a fun one as I'm pretty much putting everything that I've ever struggled with in my life out there which is, well, a lot. This genuinely isn't a plea for sympathy, and that's absolutely not what I want, but I would like to be as transparent as possible because I know that I felt incredibly broken until I realised that other people had the same issues as me, so if this post can help just one person feel less alone, I'll be happy.
wrote this post
for a variety of reasons, one, to just get it off my chest and out into
the world, and two, because ADHD is still so incredibly misunderstood
and I know so many of my peers who have been let down by the system as
much as I have, so making folk more aware of it as a condition is
very important.
Also, I don't own all the memes, credit to their creators, but I just needed to share some of them because it was honestly so affirming to realise I wasn't alone in feeling so hopeless at times.