Tuesday, 30 July 2019

DIY Miniature Salad Tutorial

Miniature salad tutorial - Using plastic bags, vinyl gloves, markers, plastic tubing, hot glue sticks, beads, plastic covered paper clips, a bit of paint and some sellotape.

I've been in the mood for making food recently, and after posting photos of these on Instagram and Facebook, got lots of requests for a tutorial, so here it is!

Monday, 29 July 2019

Royal Highland Show 2019

This is kind of a placeholder post as I haven’t been in the mood to type out my usual show report but at the same time I do t want to skip it this year so I’ll probably come back to it later! XD

Here’s all my photos as usual!


Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Lake District Julip Live 2019

While my dolls have definitely taken over as my main hobby, I still absolutely love going to Julip shows as they're always great fun and its one of the few times a year I get to hang out with groups of likeminded rubber pony people.

This year, Magda was off at a very inconveniently timed family wedding, so it was just Heather and I making the journey south to the Lake District. We'd booked the same guesthouse we stayed at last year in the seaside town of Morecambe, as it was really nice and very convenient in all respects. For a change we made it down without issue, not getting lost once, and managed to book in early so we had time to wander about Morecambe. Unfortunately our room was right at the very top so lugging multiple boxes of ponies upstairs wasn't exactly fun!

It was a glorious day, cool yet sunny - a far cry from the boiling hot experience of last year!
