Sunday, 22 June 2014

Royal Highland Show 2014 - Part 7 - Working Hunter Pony

I took millions of photos as usual, all of which can be found here. As ever, feel free to take and use as reference, just remember to credit!


 I love watching Working Hunter Pony classes for several reasons. 

1. Ponies.
2. Ponies jumping.
3. Ponies + jumping = much entertainment and good photographical opportunities. :3

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

I certainly wasn't disappointed this year - the standard of jumping was very high, although the spills did rather outnumber the thrills for a while!

Working Hunter Pony

Take this for example. When approaching the second part of a combination, this pony adopted the traditional 'AW HELL NAW' expression common to many ponies when faced with a novelty dachshund and kennel underneath a jump, and immediately started cantering sideways.

Working Hunter Pony

Thanks to a brilliant bit of riding by the girl, he was encouraged forwards without running out and went on to jump it cleanly.

Working Hunter Pony

I didn't get photos of this one as my memory cards were full, but there was one round that really made me laugh. The pony refused the second fence so the rider used every trick in the book to get him over it a second time. This mostly involved growling and shouting the old favourites of 'GITOWAAAN', 'Hyyyyyuuuuuppp!' and 'Grrrrrraaarrrfffhhhh' at literally every fence. It was like watching a pantomime, so much so that when they left the ring, the commentator referred to it as a 'very vocal round' XD
Also, is this just a horsey person thing or do spectators at other sports try to join in from afar? Only, I found myself doing it too - clicking and hissing under your tongue as if to encourage the horse forward. Several people standing next to me were doing it every time a pony looked ready to refuse!

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Not quite so graceful, lol.

Working Hunter Pony

Sarum Jester was up next and I watched him enter the ring with great anticipation.

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

He was still doing that lip thing. XD

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

I can't remember exactly how he did but after checking the results I can confirm that they came second overall, hooray! :D

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Another lovely roan I remember from previous years.

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

The exmoor pair didn't have such a good round. After putting in  a lacklustre refusal at the first fence, they popped over it second time round ok.

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

The next few fences went without a hitch, even taking the spooky dachshund fence in his stride.

Working Hunter Pony

A second refusal came at the ninth, where several other ponies had also come a cropper. They circled round, the rider kicked on...

Working Hunter Pony

...and once again the pony decided he didn't fancy it, only this time, he was serious!

Working Hunter Pony

Literally seconds after that photo, he did this. As someone standing behind me was heard to remark: 'Bloody typical Exmoor, that!' XD

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Oh look, it's the Prettiest Pony In The World Ever! (tm) (Otherwise known as Laitheill Savannah :P)

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

Working Hunter Pony

I don't think he won anything other than my admiration but it certainly was lovely to see him in action.

Finally, I'll end my RHS coverage with that nice chunky cob from the previous post who, after jumping really well all round...

Working Hunter Pony

...took exception to one fence, dumped his rider and then went off for a casual trot around the paddock, tripping over his reins and looking very confused.

Working Hunter Pony

One of the stewards caught him in the end but not after he'd had a good wee run around!  XD

Anyway, that's all from the RHS this year - as I've said on every post, I have a LOT more photos up on flickr so please do check them out if you've liked what you've seen here.

Royal Highland Show 2014 - Part 6 - Jumping Warmups

I took millions of photos as usual, all of which can be found here. As ever, feel free to take and use as reference, just remember to credit!


The warmup ring is one of my favourite places to photograph at the RHS. There's always something going on and even if no ones jumping, the ring's position makes for some excellent photographs, especially in the afternoon as the sun hits it at just the right angle. Because I usually shoot with a macro lens, I can't zoom in, which severely limits what I can photograph in the main ring. This place is perfect then, as I can get some good jumping shots from only a few dozen feet away.

Showjumping Warmup

Showjumping Warmup

Showjumping Warmup

Mr Smiley again from last year. :P

Showjumping Warmup

Showjumping Warmup

Showjumping Warmup

Showjumping Warmup

Showjumping Warmup

All those were taken earlier in the day but when I went back later after lunch, to my delight I found it was full of ponies! They were all warming up for the Working Hunter Pony class which I think, in this instance was for ponies not exceeding 122 cm.

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

I found another favourite in this group too; a gorgeous little roan welshie called Sarum Jester!

WHP Warmup

He looked like a really spirited ride and had a habit of flipping his top lip while he careered around the ring - I've never seen anything quite like it before!

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

This one had really delicate sabino/rabicano ticking all over the place.

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

I think I've seen this Exmoor here before too...

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

I thought Sarum Jester was going to take the title of prettiest pony in this group but he was usurped when Laitheill Savannah, a Sec B stallion walked into the ring. My first thought was that someone had found out how to shrink Andalusians.

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

Unf, what a stunner.

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

He wasn't just a pretty face either, he could jump too!

WHP Warmup

Some taller ponies came in about this point to warm up for the bigger classes later on which resulted in even more lovely things to photograph! this absolutely gorgeous buckskin.

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

This grey's rider kept pushing him into a gallop up the long side for a few strides and you could really see the power behind every movement.

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

Lovely chunky cob with rabicano. :D

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

WHP Warmup

 Talk about overdoing it!

WHP Warmup


Part 7 coming soon!