Wednesday 28 February 2018

Max does NaMoPaiMo - The Conclusion!

I meant to post this ages ago but I've been distracted by painting more ponies!๐Ÿ˜‚

I managed to get everything spliced together into one video, so ta-da! Here's Max's work in its entirety!

I had a lot of fun making it all so I'll definitely be doing more like it in the future.


  1. Christine! This video is so amazing!!! How much time did it take you to make this?
    Every time you post, I am so impressed by your talent. What you create is all so realistic that I forget that it's all so small, all the props look real!
    Wonderful work :-)!!!

  2. This was Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!
    I can't imagine the amount of work it took to complete Christine, but it was WORK WELL DONE! Encore, Encore! :D
