At EA Equestrian there isn't much time for boredom as there's nearly always something to occupy your attention...
From walking the dogs... turning out the herd... training the client's horses...

...and putting up with the grooming job from hell!

Sometimes though you just want to sit down with a magazine or a good book...

Back in August I'd made a couple of 'readable' magazines with pages cut out from the full size mags but this month I thought I'd try something a little different.
Nichelle of Desktop Stables provided us with some brilliant little templates for horsey books and after resizing them for 1/12th scale, I began to scour the internet for more.

Those are hers at the bottom but the big one at the top I found online, printed out onto cheap photo paper (£1 shop ftw!) and, using double sided tape, stuck the pages together so it can be opened and read.
I decided to make a few personalised ones, using photos of my Julips (and a couple of other people's I photographed at a show - they were ok with me doing photomanips of them at the time so I'm assuming this'll be ok too - if not I'll just keep the ones I've made for myself and delete the files)

I got rather carried away with the blurbs on the back and tried to make them sound like the sort of 'typical' pony book I read as a kid...
'On The Rocks' -
'Following an accident resulting in a broken spine and shattered pelvis, Karen finds herself lost and isolated when the doctors give her the worst news she could hear - she'll probably never ride again.
Can she reclaim her lost confidence and face a future out of the saddle forever or will she discover that there is more to life than just being a passenger?'
The magazines were REALLY easy to make - google provided me with plenty of high quality images of front covers and I managed to find some of the adverts on the back too so they looked really professional. (these photos were taken in really low light, hence the crapness)

David, like me is a massive gamer and photography geek so I thought I'd pander to his interests and stick in a doll's house one for the irony. The Canon advert on the back of the photography one was made by me using one of my photos from my holiday last year and another of the little 1/12th scale camera I made for David years ago! XD

One of my Big Plans for the future of the yard is to make another roombox as a kind of lounge/kitchen place where people can sit to have their lunch, listen to the radio and warm up in the winter months. I already have a really nice little flatscreen TV that came with a Primeval figure so I thought it'd be awesome to make a little PS3 for him to play when all the kids have gone home and he can get out all the shooty and stabby games! XD Although I haven't made the console yet, he's already amassed a small collection of games to play when it eventually appears! These, like the books, were taped onto a thin sheet of styrene to give them a bit more depth.

I've still to print out more but here's the yard's current DVD collection...

I got most of them from here I think...
So yeah, just a few more bits and pieces but they're so easy and fun to make I can't help myself!
EG out!
SO, so cool!!
ReplyDeleteYou should try making some, it's great fun!
ReplyDeleteAs always, you blow my mind! I completely approve of David's video game collection.
ReplyDeleteI asked you on the F-L Forums, but I'm not sure if you saw and hey, I'm impatient. :P But did you make the trees and bushes for your autumn dioramas? If so, can you briefly describe/ post up a tutorial? I can't find 1/32 scale trees very easily, so I'm thinking about making my own.
As you should! :P*he* has impeccable taste. :P
DeleteOh no, I must have missed that, sorry! Stupid new forum layout... ¬¬
I did, yes! XD They're actually ridiculously simple - just some twigs and small branches I've accumulated over the years draped with 'reindeer moss' from the hobby shop. The green bushes are pre-made foliage for model railway dioramas I got super cheap from another collector. It's just dyed foam really and tears apart so you can scatter and reshape it.
I'll see if I can make up some kind of scenery guide later on this week - I need *something* to take my mind off the monotony that is college at the moment!
Your little riders have an excellent taste in books and DVDs. I have made some magazines a while ago, too, but typically, I can't find them now that you inspired me to get them out again. Shall put all the little riders to work, maybe they are luckier in a search.
ReplyDeleteAh, forgot- I looove the grooming job from hell!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant. :D I love your personalized ones!
ReplyDeletegreat taste in games :P