Monday 4 July 2016

Royal Highland Show 2016 - #8 - Mini Major

We unfortunately missed this class but caught the ending and lap of honour. I don't know much about it but I think it involves a horse and pony pair jumping. We literally saw the last pair finish jumping to wild applause but had no idea what was going on!

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

The winning team!

Mini Major

All the teams went for a lap of honour after the prizes were awarded and it was incredible to see just how fast some of those tiny ponies could go!

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

The winners waited for the rest of the field to clear before doing their own lap, though the pony had to do an impromptu circle to slow down enough to let the other half of the team go in front.

Mini Major

Mini Major

Mini Major

Their head start didn't last long though!

Mini Major

Mini Major


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