Saturday, 2 February 2013

Digby's tack/rug set!

I've been meaning to post this for about a month but I kept forgetting to upload the photos! lol

I wanted Digs to have a really flashy colour scheme so when I found this very shiny (and perfectly scaled!) 'leadrope' on a clothes tag, I knew I'd found it. I'd bought some fabric and fake suede thonging to match after Christmas and put it all together in a couple of days.


Digby - rug and headcollar

 Digby - rug and headcollar

He doesn't have his own saddle yet (although I'm working on that, lol) so he's borrowing one for now but his bridle's his own. Black leather with an etched Kimblewick (which unfortunately I think is trad scale so it's a bit big) and foam bit guards.



I followed the lines on the pattern to make the numnah look quilted and I'm not really sure if it works but oh well - I tried!



 He's proving to be a very enthusiastic little jumping pony and I'm sure it won't be long before he's bringing in the ribbons at shows!


  1. He looks very handsome!


  2. wow, great little pony.
    hope he's going well for you now!:)
    i wish u could make me some tack for my pony, you are very talented:)
    love your tack/equipment etc, and i love your julips!;)<3
