Apologies for the sometimes crappy pictures - until I got to borrow my dad's camera I had to make do with my phone which doesn't like dull indoor lighting lol (For those not in the know, Nigel died on me at the MHL live show and has been sent away to be fixed...and won't be back for about 4 to 6 weeks. :( )
This is Finn.

Hello Finn.

Aren't you going to say hello back?


No, you're not up on Deviantart yet, I need some proper pictures of you!

Oh now this is much better!

You should feel honoured, I tidied my desk just for you!
Hey...why are you looking at me like that?

Don't you do what I think you're going to do!

Awwwww no! FINN!

Hey put that down! It's not a toy, it's for pastelling!

Oi, c'mere you!


I'm going to have to put you somewhere safe and escape-proof while I tidy this stuff up...

So yeah, this is what I do when I'm pining for my camera and have time off from college work! XD
Finn is fully posable from his neck all the way down to his long and extremely fluffy prehensile tail. He's made from wire and pipecleaners with a super sculpey head and feet and covered in ridiculously soft fur fabric. ^^
I'm not entirely sure what he is to be honest so species name suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :D
Here he is in three stages of construction.

Suffice to say this won't be the last of these I make and it definitely isn't the only time you'll meet Finn. ;)
Apologies for the massive lack of updates recently. Since starting college I've been rushed off my feet with projects that I fell behind on and I'm only now getting back into the swing of things. :)